Thursday, 16 February 2012


So this 'Lately' post is becoming a bit of a regular thing. I like it. Its nice for me to put together a record of all the things i've done that week, mundane or exciting. I'm more appreciative of my life because of it.

So here's a little recap:

1. This man needs a haircut.
2. Watching the Liverpool vs. Man United match at the pub - wife duty!
3. FINALLY back on the river. For two weeks the weather has meant no rowing, and with race season upon us it felt awesome to be back at training. Even if it means starting each day at the ungodly hour of 6am.
4. A love letter from my gorgeous man.
5 & 6. Our termly wine and cheese night. Awesome, love these people.
(note: picture 5 features Matt's vodka jelly. Jelly shots = inconvenient. Especially given said 6am rowing outing the next morning.)


  1. Your wine and cheese night sounds / looks amazing. I am totally gate crashing your next one. mmmmmmmm cheese! x

  2. Haha, you would be more than welcome :) Just bring some wine or cheese, and we'd welcome you with open arms x
